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2020 created an increase in Anxiety in Teenagers

The vast majority of the people I work with are adults, however since creating Community Gathering and Breathwork for Anxiety, I have gotten the chance to work with younger people and help them work through their anxiety. While it’s completely normal to feel more anxious as a teenager, a recent study found a 93.6% increase in generalized anxiety disorder among teenagers ages 13-18 across the U.S. in 2020 compared to 2019. And an increase of 90% in intentional self-harm. Even though things are starting to go back to “normal” the emotional consequences of the pandemic can’t be vaccinated away.

I recently had the pleasure of chatting with 19 year old Sam who completed my Breathwork for Anxiety program. His mom bought the program for him after realizing that he was struggling emotionally while he was navigating his first year of college in the middle of the pandemic. I’d already had a follow-up call with his mom and was so touched by his story that I wanted to have a conversation with him as well to hear what his transformation was like from his point of view.

If you have children or work with young adults, you’ll want to read how to empower a young person who struggles with anxiety. You can read Sam's story in here.

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