When was the last time you stopped to celebrate yourself? I mean REALLY celebrating that you accomplished something you put your mind to, overcoming any obstacles or setbacks you may have encountered along the way?
I know I still struggle with this. I’ll hit a goal and then move on to the next thing on my to-do list. Instead of taking time to stop and appreciate all I’ve accomplished, my default mode is to focus on all the things I have yet to do. And that’s no good!
It’s important to take time to recognize your hard work. It helps you really see how far you’ve come. And you become more grateful for what you have in your life.
You also start to become more confident in what else you can manifest in your life.
So today I celebrate my thriving breathwork coaching business, that’s helping so many people transform their lives to feel more confident and empowered. I celebrate investing in myself to continue my own healing journey to reprogram beliefs that are blocking me. I celebrate my courage to live an authentic life. I celebrate my resilience and determination to live a bigger and healthier life than what I was exposed to. I celebrate that I push myself outside of my comfort zone to grow and learn new things. I celebrate that I’m asking fo help. I celebrate that I’m taking care of my body today with a massage from @solhealingtherapy I celebrate that I’m learning to slow down and rest, even though that feels uncomfortable and I have to remind my brain it doesn’t mean we’re lazy. I celebrate that I look and feel amazing at 40! I celebrate all the abundance I have in my life, including such a loving and supportive community!
I also celebrate YOU! For doing your best everyday. Share in the comments an accomplishment you’re proud of…big or small.
Are you finding it challenging to compliment yourself, sign up for my FREE Summer of Self-Love challenge. I guide you through this exercise to help you feel validated and proud of yourself. You can download it here. 💛🌻🔥