Ana Lilia

Feb 91 min

Happy New Moon in Aquarius 💫

Happy New Moon in Aquarius! This new moon invites us to focus on building community, connect with our personal freedom, and manifest our dreams. To celebreate this powerful time to manifest 💫

🌟 Affirmations for the New Moon in Aquarius 🌟

1️⃣ “I am a powerful creator, and my dreams manifest effortlessly.

2️⃣ “I release all limiting beliefs and open myself to unlimited possibilities.

3️⃣ “I embrace collective collaboration, amplifying my impact and bringing my dreams into fruition together.

Share in the comments which affirmation resonates with you the most.

Remember, the New Moon in Aquarius encourages us to embrace our individuality, seek support from our community, and chase after our wildest dreams. Click here to learn how my Dream Bigger Mastermind can help you do just that. 🌟
