My Story
From the time I was a little girl, I was always told that my dreams were too big. Coming from a first-generation Mexican family with six of us living in a 1,000-square-foot home, my mom's dream for me was to become a secretary. She wanted me to live at home until I got married and with a safe and stable job.
Even when it wasn't said, I felt it. I was different.
I have always known I was meant for more. Even though I grew up poor, I always loved fancy stuff. I love art, fine dining, luxurious experiences, and craved opportunities that seemed out of reach.
Even when I got into UC Berkeley, I remember my mom wanting me to go somewhere more affordable, like a local community college. At the time, I couldn't understand it.
Honestly, I rebelled against it. I went the creative route and worked in the entertainment industry, casting, acting, modeling, and even as a promo girl.
It was not the life my parents wanted for me, and they were vocal about it. But something in me always told me that I could and would have that life – the one I dreamed about.
It wasn't until my thirties when I started my healing journey that all of the pieces started to come together. I randomly came across a breathwork class. I had no idea what it was, but felt intrigued to check it out. And that's when my life changed.
I was asked to lie on the ground and breathe in from my belly, then from my heart, and exhale. During the 30 minutes of active breathing, I started to cry, my hands cramped up, and I had an incredible release. I had never experienced anything like this before. It felt like the depression cloud had lifted.
As someone who struggled with high-functioning anxiety my whole life, I didn't even know what it felt like to "be in my body" until that moment. Colors looked brighter. I felt alive again. And more importantly, I felt empowered. I fell in love with breathwork so much that I ended up becoming a certified breathwork coach.

My Approach
Over the years, my work evolved as I learned how to make it more potent. I started to layer energetics, my clairvoyant gifts, mindset work, and manifestation rituals with the breathwork, and something incredible happened.
I was finally able to get out of the victim story. I was able to heal the stories I inherited about my dreams being too big from my family. I transmuted the fear and shame, and I cried because, for the first time, I was able to take wild action toward what I so deeply craved and wanted.
My life started to take off, and I knew I had to share this gift with the world. At first, I started with friends and family, but the results were so massive that referrals were coming in left and right.
Clients were having breakthroughs like never before, even after reading all the self-help books, going through years of therapy, and participating in other healing programs.
Nothing had worked for them until they tried my method.
I started coaching these clients alongside the healing, and something within me shifted. I found my calling and impact.
Over the past nine years, I've dedicated myself to this work. Because of it, I have been able to heal my high-functioning anxiety, depression, and generational cycles to build a multi-six-figure brand.
I've been featured on WebMD, the LA Times, and Harper’s Bazaar, just to name a few.
And I have been able to help hundreds of people completely uplevel their lives, careers, creative projects, and businesses beyond what they ever thought possible.
This work has truly changed my life and my client's lives forever.
Are you ready to join me?