EP 61: This Story With My Uber Driver Could Be Your Sign ✨

Hello, friend! Today, I'm writing to you from my favorite place in the world, Sea Ranch, California—a serene beach community nestled in Sonoma County. This place holds a special place in my heart. It’s where I come to heal, refocus, and manifest my dreams. Nature here feels like a supportive embrace, reminding me of the endless possibilities that lie ahead.
This sense of support and possibility is what I want to share with you today. We’ve been discussing the power of manifestation lately, especially with my Dream Bigger Mastermind kicking off soon. This space has become a haven for individuals ready to break through their blocks and manifest their biggest dreams. And today, I want to tell you a story that beautifully encapsulates the essence of this journey.
The Uber Ride That Turned Into a Coaching Session
Just a few days ago, I found myself in Los Angeles, taking my car in for repairs. I had to grab an Uber to get around, and what was supposed to be a quick nine-mile drive turned into a 90-minute adventure—thank you, LA traffic. Usually, during these rides, I zone out with my headphones, but this time was different. I felt open, and as soon as I got into the car, the driver’s friendly energy matched mine.
He began chatting about his love for Los Angeles history, pointing out landmarks and sharing fun facts. As the conversation flowed, he revealed one of his dreams—becoming a tour guide. My immediate thought was, "Why haven't you done it yet?" He admitted that despite having so many ideas, he never takes action to make them a reality. And that struck a chord because it’s something I’ve seen time and time again with my clients—the biggest block to manifesting their dreams is often themselves.
The Stories We Tell Ourselves
Our conversation reminded me of how easy it is to get in our own way. My Uber driver had a passion, the knowledge, and even a captive audience in his car every day. Yet, he was stuck. Why? Because of the stories he told himself—stories that said his dreams weren’t worth pursuing or that they’d be too hard to achieve. These stories are the same ones that keep so many of us from moving forward.
When I asked him what was holding him back, he mentioned that when he shared his ideas with friends and family, they often weren’t supportive. They’d tell him his ideas wouldn’t work or that he was wasting his time. This kind of feedback can be crushing, especially when we’re already struggling with self-doubt. It’s a reminder to be cautious about who we share our dreams with. Not everyone is equipped to hold our vision, and that’s okay.
Protecting Your Dreams
One piece of advice I gave him, which I often share with my clients, is to protect your dreams. Only share them with those who can genuinely support and encourage you. When we open our hearts and share our deepest desires, it’s a vulnerable act. If the person we’re sharing with doesn’t handle that with care, it can be devastating. That’s why having a safe space like the Dream Bigger Mastermind is so important. It’s a space where you can dream big, explore ideas, and receive encouragement rather than criticism.
I didn’t always have that support growing up. My family often told me to keep my dreams small, to play it safe. Sometimes, I listened. But other times, it was the fuel I needed to prove them wrong. Everyone’s different, though. For some, negative feedback can extinguish their flame. That’s why I created a space where people can feel safe to dream and take action without the fear of judgment or rejection.
Taking Practical Steps
As our Uber ride continued, we shifted from identifying blocks to taking action. I asked him, “What’s the worst thing that could happen if you tried and failed?” His answer? “Nothing, really. I’d just keep driving.” Exactly. The worst-case scenario wasn’t that bad. He wouldn’t lose much, but he stood to gain so much.
We talked about simple, practical steps he could take to start manifesting his dream. We did some quick market research together, and I suggested he start by offering mini-tours to his Uber passengers, handing out business cards, and setting up a simple online presence. His energy shifted completely—he was excited, and he could see his dream starting to take shape.
This is what I love about what I do. Helping people break through their blocks and start taking action toward their dreams is so rewarding. Whether it’s a business idea, a new career path, or even a personal goal, the process is the same. You identify the desire, recognize what’s stopping you, and then take practical steps to move forward.
Your Turn to Dream Bigger
So, what about you? What dream have you been holding onto? What’s the idea that’s been simmering in your mind, but you haven’t acted on yet? Maybe it’s finding a new job, embarking on a healing journey, or starting a business. Whatever it is, I want to encourage you to take that first step.
Reflect on the past few months and think about the progress you’ve made. Maybe you haven’t hit all your big goals yet, but I bet you’ve made more progress than you realize. Sometimes, just committing to the journey—like joining a program or dedicating time to yourself—is a huge win in itself.
I’ve seen incredible transformations in the Dream Bigger Mastermind. Members have left toxic jobs, started thriving businesses, and manifested new opportunities they never thought possible. It’s all about taking that leap, surrounding yourself with support, and trusting that you can achieve what you set out to do.
My Uber ride was a beautiful reminder that sometimes, all we need is a little nudge, a safe space, and practical guidance to start manifesting our dreams. Don’t let fear or self-doubt hold you back any longer. Protect your dreams, take action, and surround yourself with people who can support your vision.
You’ve got this, and I look forward to being your guide to making your biggest dreams a reality. Click here to get the waitlist for the next round of Dream Bigger Mastermind
Sending you so much love and abundance from my happy place here in Sea Ranch and I’ll see you back here next week. In the meantime, remember to keep breathing, remember to keep dreaming as well.
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