For the last two months I’ve been hosting my Mastermind groups. While each person has very different goals, there are a lot of similar themes. It has been a rollercoaster of emotions. However the lows have brought forth big breakthroughs, which has resulted in so much momentum towards their goals. People are starting businesses, they are taking better care of their health. They are no longer letting the fear keep them paralyzed. They are showing up in their power, speaking up, saying no and asking for help. And best of all, they have a loving community cheering them on every week. I love holding space for them and seeing the transformation happen. I’m so proud of you team! And I’m excited to see what else you manifest over the next month.
What dreams are you currently working towards?
I will be starting the next Mastermind in June. Send an email for more info and to get on the waitlist.