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Lift Someone Else Today: Community Is Vital

Updated: Jun 29, 2023

two women grasping hands jumping up together. Text overlay says lift someone up today

Yesterday I hosted our Witnessing session in The Collective. Our monthly meet-up is part coaching, healing session, and friend talk. Many members have been in The Collective since it was created almost two years ago. So they have witnessed each other's ups and downs for a while. They are a community. Our group shared that life felt good right now. Sure, there are things they still would like to improve or change, but they feel proud of where they are and how far they've come in their journey. We did an exercise to embody the transformation they have created in themselves and celebrate all the courageous steps they've taken. It was beautiful to have them recognize how they use their tools; they're no longer reactionary or self-sabotaging. They know they are worthy of all they desire. If you're looking for a group that will support you at any stage in your life, learn from each other, and want to become friends with people who have similar goals, we invite you to join The Collective. Click here to learn more.

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