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🎙️ New episode of Breathe More🎙️

This month, I’m celebrating two years of my membership, The Collective! This membership is a safe space for all cycle breakers to heal, make courageous changes, and learn tools to live an authentic and empowered life.

🎙️ In episode 14 of Breathe More, I delve into the creation of The Collective and its purpose. Here are some key takeaways:

1️⃣ You have the power to change your reality: If you’re unhappy with your current circumstances, remember that it doesn’t have to be your reality forever. You have the power to change and up-level your life.

2️⃣ The importance of finding community: Sometimes, our personal growth journey can make us feel misunderstood and lonely. Seeking out a supportive community can help us feel seen, heard, and understood.

3️⃣ Access to healing resources: The Collective offers a wide range of resources, including meditations, live classes, and access to trusted healers. Use these tools to continue your healing journey and create a life that aligns with your values.

Remember, you are powerful, and together, we can create the life we desire.

Listen to the latest episode of Breathe More on your favorite platform or YouTube. Tune in and embark on our shared journey of exploration, growth, and healing. 🎧💫

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For the past week, I’ve incorporated singing into my daily meditation practice. Not only has it helped me regulate my nervous system, but it has also brought immense joy to my meditation sessions.

Singing helps your mental health by:

  1. Stress relief: releasing endorphins, the feel-good hormones, can help reduce anxiety and tension.

  2. Mood enhancement: lift your spirits and improve your mood. It triggers the release of dopamine, a neurotransmitter associated with pleasure and reward, which can make you feel happier and more content.

  3. Emotional expression: express your emotions and connect with others emotionally. It can be a cathartic outlet for releasing pent-up emotions, helping you process and cope with challenging feelings.

Music has an incredible healing power, so I spend so much time carefully curating my breathwork playlists. Tomorrow Saturday, November 4th, at 10 am PST, you can experience my latest playlist at my virtual breathwork class.

During the class, we’ll embark on a journey of deep breathing, accompanied by an intuitively curated healing playlist. 🎶💫 It will be an opportunity to tap into your inner peace, embrace your inner strength, and connect with a community of like-minded individuals seeking to cultivate mindfulness together.

Join us for an uplifting Saturday morning experience. Let’s breathe, sing, and discover the power of music to nurture our souls. 🎵✨

Reserve your spot here. This class is donation-based.

xo Ana

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You take 20,000 breaths each day!

Many clients have recently expressed feelings of exhaustion, difficulty concentrating, and overwhelming anxiety. If you can relate, I want you to know that I'm here for you, and your well-being needs to be a priority.

In light of these difficulties, I have decided to open up my calendar for 1-1 private sessions, both in-person and virtually, to provide you with personalized care and healing support. These healing sessions are a unique experience—tailored specifically to cater to your needs.

I combine various healing modalities to help alleviate stress, restore balance, and bring you back to your center. Imagine hands-on healing, breathwork, clairvoyant readings, aromatherapy, crystal therapy, chakra alignment, and a soothing soundbath. By the end of the session, you'll experience rejuvenation and find clarity like never before.

As we approach the holiday season, stress and overwhelm tend to become more prevalent. Now is the perfect time to prioritize your own healing and well-being. I invite you to take advantage of this opportunity and join me for a transformative healing session.

Remember, your mental health and well-being deserves dedicated attention and care. Take the first step towards healing, rejuvenation, and peace.

Together, we will overcome these challenging times. Book your session here.

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