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Dear New Moon in Scorpio,

I call upon your wisdom to guide me with courage and clarity.

I release what no longer serves me, allowing space for growth and renewal.

I ask for the strength to let go of old patterns that hinder my progress, and the willingness to embrace transformation with an open heart.

Grant me the courage to face my fears with resilience and grace.

I ask that you support my desires and manifestations.

I surrender to its divine guidance and trust that the universe is conspiring in my favor.

Thank you for the blessings received and those yet to come.

And so it is.

✨🌙 Happy New Moon! 🌙✨ Ready to connect with your intentions and manifest? If so, I invite you to join my New Moon Circle today, Monday, November 13, @ 5PM PST/8PM EST. In this gathering, we’re going on a journey of expansion by releasing what we’ve outgrown, setting intentions, embodying our desires with breathwork, and receiving a powerful oracle card reading and channeled message from the gifted Edith 🔮

Sign up for our next Moon Circle here. If you can’t attend live, a replay will be available.

Let’s manifest together, dream big, and unleash our true potential. See you today at the New Moon Circle! 🌌💫

Let’s talk about taking care of ourselves and practicing self-care.

First things first, let me remind you - you’re doing AMAZING! 🌟 Take a moment to acknowledge your efforts, big or small. Celebrate the progress you’ve made and recognize that you’re doing your best. Remember, self-care starts with self-compassion.

Now, how about setting some limits? It’s essential to know when to say “no” and create boundaries that protect your time and energy. Prioritize what matters most to you, and don’t be afraid to politely decline any commitments that push you over the limit. Your well-being matters!

Seeking support is not a sign of weakness, but a strength. Reach out to your loved ones and don’t hesitate to ask for help when you need it. Whether it’s a listening ear or some practical assistance, building a support system can make all the difference to our well-being.

Everyone makes mistakes and that’s okay. Practice forgiveness, especially towards yourself. Embrace the lessons learned from your missteps and remember that growth often comes from those challenging moments. Show yourself some love and let go of any lingering guilt.

Lastly, don’t forget to put yourself at the top of your to-do list! Make time for the things that bring you joy and re-energize your soul. Whether it’s indulging in a good book, taking a long bath, or dancing to your favorite song, prioritize activities that nourish your spirit. Your happiness matters!

I invite you to join me in embracing self-care this week. Share in the comments how you will be taking care of yourself. 💕

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Your breath is a reminder that every moment can be a fresh start. 🌅

Join our next donation-based breathwork class that’ll infuse new energy into your life! 🌟

In this class, we’ll unlock the power of deep breathing and reconnect with our inner selves. Whether you’re feeling overwhelmed, stagnant, or simply seeking a positive recharge, this breathwork class is for you! 💨

Can’t make it live? A replay of the session will be available afterward for you to experience and embark on your personal journey.

Donate what you can and join us to breathe in the possibilities of a better tomorrow. 🌈

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