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Confession: The real reason I made the Dream Bigger Mastermind...

From survival mode to dreaming bigger

I have a confession to make.

The real reason I made the Dream Bigger Mastermind was for my inner child.

The eight year old version of me who was told my dreams were too big.

The sixteen year version of me working at a bookstore who daydreamed about an expansive life.

The 25 year old version of me that was told to "be realistic" and just get a 9-5 job.

🎙️ In today's new episode on Breathe More, I share my journey going from survival mode to dreaming bigger. Coming from a traditional Mexican household, I was made to feel that I wanted too much from life. It wasn't that my family didn't want to support me, but they just couldn't fully grasp the depth of my aspirations. Their fears and limiting beliefs were projected onto me time and time again. If any of this resonates with you, click here and listen to today's episode.

Over the past 15 years of healing, I discovered the benefit of being in rooms with other big dreamers and how it supercharges your actions. How paths suddenly open up, connections drop through, and you suddenly feel seen, understood, and supported on new levels.

This is why I created this space. For the versions of me who felt misunderstood and disregarded. Who just wanted support, but more than someone guiding me through the HOW.

If there's a nudge in you saying, "I want more" - then it's time to take that leap of faith. I'm here to catch you and guide you every step of the way.

Through a blend of healing modalities, mindset coaching, resources, and practical steps to stretch you - your goals are on the other side of your fear.

Apply now to secure your spot in this year's life-changing Mastermind group! We start manifesting in just three weeks! 🚀

Together, let's make your inner child proud.

Xo Ana

P.S. Still uncertain and need a taste of what's possible? Join my FREE Step into Your Dreams workshop, where we'll delve into exercises designed to ignite your worthiness and shift your energy to one of trust, faith, and magnetic attraction. Can't make it live? No worries – a replay will be available just for you. Save your spot here. 💕

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