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Fear is something we all experience. It’s a way that our brain keeps us safe when it thinks we are in danger.

However, fear might also be one of the biggest reasons why you might not dare to dream. It might be one of the reasons why you continue to stay small, and why you may not step into your dream life. A lot of times, these fears ARE NOT based on what’s actually happening at the moment. Rather it's based on past experiences.

You might have a fear of: The unknown, Failure, Success, Losing someone’s love.

You might suffer from: Inferior complex, Imposter syndrome, Perfectionism, Lack of confidence.

And sometimes, these fearful thoughts are so constant and stuck in a loop that they start to manifest into self-fulfilling prophecies. So, how do you stop manifesting your fears?

1) First things first: identify your fears. Once you know your fears, dig into where they come from and the situations that cause them.

2) Next, ask yourself what beliefs do you have about the fears and identify how accurate your beliefs are. Look for factual proof of your fears. Are the things you're telling yourself even true?

3) Finally, REFRAME! Replace your repetitive thoughts with more rational ones and start taking small steps to face whatever it is that you fear.

If you’re ready to manifest your deepest desires, join me this Saturday, January 21 for Dream Up The New Year, a free manifestation workshop. In this workshop, you will be guided step-by-step to identify and start to release fear, the “lack-mentality” and any other blocks that are holding you back so you can get out of your own way and start seeing your dreams become reality! I am so excited for you to learn tools and breathwork techniques that can help you move out of fear and into excitement and hope this year.

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If you are ready to manifest your goals, feel more empowered, and build momentum toward your dreams- this is for you!

You are invited to attend Dream Up the New Year; a FREE virtual manifestation event to help you set intentions, clear limiting beliefs and start the new year feeling confident and empowered.

This manifestation workshop will help you set goals for the year that are aligned with your soul's purpose so you can create that dreamy life you know is possible.

You will be guided step by step to identify and start to release fear, the “lack-mentality” and any other blocks that are holding you back so you can get out of your own way and start seeing your dreams become reality!

Using breathwork you will reprogram your subconscious, heal, and increase your capacity to receive your desires, all while boosting your confidence so that you can take action and see real results.

This process has helped my clients start their dream businesses, manifest a million-dollar contract, and completely shift their lives.

If you’re ready to Dream Up the New Year and start to manifest your deepest desires- sign up in the bio link!

P.S. The recording will be don't have to attend live.

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Take a moment to close your eyes, take a deep breath and exhale.

Imagine that it’s the end of 2023.

Where do you see yourself?

Are you at the same job?

In the same relationship or still single?

Does life still feel like a struggle?

Do you still feel stuck?

Or did things change?

Did you take action, even though you felt you weren’t ready or didn’t have the money to do it?

Are you closer to your big goals?

Do you feel more confident? Excited? Happy? Empowered?

This year I want to expand my community, start a podcast, host a couple of international retreats, get healthy, work fewer hours, and have more time for play.

Where do you want to be by the end of the year? Share in the comments one of your goals.

Don’t forget the next group of Dream Bigger Mastermind starts next month, where you can feel supported as you build momentum toward your dreams so that by the time Summer arrives, you will be in a different place.

Plus, this Saturday, January 21 I am hosting my FREE manifestation workshop Dream Up The New Year. In this workshop, you will be guided step-by-step to identify and start to release fear, the “lack-mentality” and any other blocks that are holding you back so you can get out of your own way and start seeing your dreams become reality!

Using breathwork, you will reprogram your subconscious, heal, and increase your capacity to receive your desires, all while boosting your confidence so that you can take action and see real results.

I am so excited for you to learn tools and breathwork techniques that can help you move out of fear and into excitement and hope this year.

xo Ana

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