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I know you have a dream life waiting for you to access it. And I want to show you how…

If you have felt like you are just spinning your wheels, feeling like you’re not making any progress, or just lost on how to get to that next level - this is for you.

Your comfort zone might be talking to you right now saying:

* Now is not the time.

* I’m not ready.

* Maybe I’m not supposed to do this.

* I’m not good enough.

* I don’t know how to do it.

Do you find yourself:

* Procrastinating?

* Feeling afraid to make mistakes?

* Feeling afraid to move forward?

* Not asking for help and support?

* Second-guessing yourself?

* Prioritizing comfort, instead of taking some risks?

I want you to take a minute to feel into what you know is possible, that little voice asks…why not me?

Pssst…because it is available to you and almost every client I have helped has started right where you are.

Full of doubt, maybe a little scared, but with a guiding voice asking them to trust and lean into possibility.

Are you ready for massive action and life-changing potential?

Learn more about my Dream Bigger Mastermind here.

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Remember the part in Alice in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll where Alice came to a fork in the road and saw a Cheshire cat in a tree.

“Which road do I take?” she asked.

“Where do you want to go?” was his response.

“I don't know,” Alice answered.

“Then,” said the cat, “it doesn't matter.”

The lesson: you need to know what you want out of life… and you have to be clear about it. Otherwise, life will continue to just happen to you - with no regard for what you actually want from it.

There's power in specificity!

That's why it's so important that when you set goals or intentions for your life, you get super specific.

Here's a simple, yet powerful exercise you can do right now to set some clear intentions:

Write down your goals and dreams with as much detail as possible.

Instead of saying “I want to be in a relationship”, write down the qualities you want in both your relationship and your partner. When you do that, “I want to be in a relationship may transform into “I want to be in a happy, healthy, stable, passionate relationship with someone who makes me laugh, accept me as I am, and actively supports me as I pursue my goals”.

Give the universe specifics so that there's no confusion about what you're manifesting into your life. Make sure you don't leave out those secret dreams that are so big and scary that you've kept them to yourself. It's time to bring them to light and declare out loud that you're ready for MORE! Once the universe knows what you want and that you're ready to receive, it will gladly give it to you.

Ready to learn more about manifesting your dreams and tapping into your higher self?

Dream Bigger Mastermind can help you move out of fear and procrastination, learn manifestation techniques, and step into deep accountability as part of an inspiring community. This mastermind gives you tools and support so you can achieve your goals and realize your dreams. The next group starts in February! Apply to join here. ✨

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⭐ Ready to upgrade your life in 2023? ⭐

My Dream Bigger Mastermind is one of my favorite offerings because as a group we manifest our dreamiest life.

Life can feel lonely. You might feel like you’ve outgrown your current friend group. You might now feel like the people around you don’t “get you” or want to see you continue to grow and be successful.

But deep down inside there’s a voice reminding you that there is more out there for you. However you don’t know what to do next.

Introducing my Dream Bigger Mastermind.

🌟 This is a 6-month program to help you manifest and create new habits in your life to support your current goals.

🌟 You get 1:1 breakthrough sessions with me (this is one thing that makes my mastermind unique). This gives you profound healing sessions to get you unstuck and into action.

🌟 Free access to my monthly membership, The Collective! Gain exclusive access to The Collective’s masterclass library of healing modalities and meditations, moon circles🌙 and breathwork sessions.

🌟 Upgrade your MINDSET: With my coaching you become really aware how your mindset affects your ability to manifest. We will work together to align your mindset with your goals

It is truly going to be next-level! And I hope to see you as part of this intimate 10-person group.

We start in February and applications are open right now!

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