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Are you ready to live an intentional year? If so, I’m ready to help you! This Saturday I’m hosting a free virtual manifestation event: Dream up the New Year. Join the 150 people who have already signed up!

This manifestation workshop will help you set goals for the year that are aligned with your soul’s purpose so you can create that dreamy life you know is possible.

You will be guided step by step to identify and start to release fear, the “lack-mentality” and any other blocks that are holding you back so you can get out of your own way and start seeing your dreams become reality!

Using breathwork you will reprogram your subconscious, heal, and increase your capacity to receive your desires, all while boosting your confidence so that you can take action and see real results.

This process has helped my clients start their dream businesses, manifest a million-dollar contract, and completely shift their lives.

If you’re ready to Dream Up the New Year and manifest your deepest desires- join us!

I love guiding people to manifest their dreams. I noticed many people in my community were playing it small.

They were working jobs they didn’t like because it paid the bills. They were putting their passion projects to the side, telling themselves what’s the point.

They were afraid to take the leap and put action behind their goals.

That’s what inspired me to create the Dream Bigger Mastermind.

I wanted to help them manifest their goals, even though it scared them.

So in 2020, I created an intimate group coaching setting where we gather to work towards our goals.

We encourage each other, reprogram beliefs and take our lives to the next level.

“Beginning Mastermind with Ana was, hands down, one of the best personal investments I have made in all my adult life. With Ana’s guidance, each session built on rediscovering passions, dreams, and talents - all while unlocking the inner confidence that I especially needed. It is because of Ana’s Mastermind program that I have done more with my music in the last five months than in the last decade. You will not be disappointed - in both Mastermind and in what your great potential is." - Ali M.

Are you ready to make some serious changes in your life?

But feel overwhelmed thinking about it?

If so, let’s hop on a 15-minute call to see if the Dream Bigger Mastermind! It's a 6-month program that will help you feel confident, heal, and get you aligned with your goals.

We will work to reprogram limiting beliefs that are keeping you stuck, create a new dialogue to set you up for success, get clear on your goals and the steps you need to take to achieve them.

Start making your dreams a priority and let’s put some energy behind them.

Apply today to join the Dream Bigger Mastermind! We start mid-February.

Recently, I was thinking of all the times I held on to my dreams with a death grip and stressed so much about how I was going to make them happen that my dreams just became yet another source of stress in my life.

That's no way to live! Dreams are supposed to make you happy, motivate you, and be a source of joy as you work toward realizing them. They're NOT supposed to make you feel anxious or overwhelmed.

Now, I use my tools to gain clarity, release resistance, get aligned and (most importantly) HAVE FUN with my dreams.

1. You're hyper-focused on “How” you're going to reach your goals. When your ego is attached to how things happen, it actually creates resistance by blocking the many other things, situations, and people that could bring your dream into fruition. Rather than being focused on specifics, create a vision of what you want for your life and then let go of how it happens. This frees the universe up to work its magic in ways you could scarcely imagine!

2. You put your goal on a pedestal and label it in your mind as “important”. While it seems like this is what you should do, what actually happens when you do this is you put that dream out of reach on a vibrational level. Instead of viewing your dream as something lofty and hard to attain, practice viewing it as simply a part of who you are. When you see your goal as being the natural path for your life, things will begin to flow so much more easily.

3. You're way too serious about your dreams… literally. Your dreams should be FUN. The more serious you are, the more solid and heavy things feel… which makes it hard for things to flow. Instead of taking things so seriously, focus on having fun. Enjoy the process. Enjoy the movement. The more you do this, the more your positive energy will flow and you'll find yourself achieving your goals easier than ever before!

Need help releasing the HOW, getting aligned, and having more fun?

For deeper support, the next round of Dream Bigger Mastermind starts next month! We will help you step into a bigger life, feel confident and stay accountable to your goals.

I can't wait to help you manifest your biggest dreams! ✨

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