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When was the last time you did something that scared you or felt hard?

- Maybe you recently reached out to someone to apologize

- Maybe you quit your job

- Maybe you said no (and honored your boundaries)

- Maybe you asked someone on a date

- Maybe you started a new business

- Maybe you invested in your healing journey

Taking a risk or doing something that feels uncomfortable and scary pushes you closer to your goals. No matter what the end result is from that action, you are telling the universe what it is you want.

This new year I am committed to being bolder: with my dreams, actions, and mindset. Who else is in?

Need help taking that courageous and bold next step? Join my Dream Bigger Mastermind which is starting in February. This is a supportive group to keep you accountable, share information and resources, help you come up with an action plan and celebrate you for being BRAVE.

The Dream Bigger Mastermind is now open for enrollment. Learn more here.

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Now that we are officially one week into 2023, have you thought about what you want to call into your life? Some people get really overwhelmed at the thought of writing down goals. I’ve worked with many clients who don’t know what they want in their life…however they do know how they want to feel. While others have a very clear vision of what they want to manifest, but lack confidence and get paralyzed with fear.

This is why I created Dream Bigger Mastermind, to help you move out of fear and procrastination, learn manifestation techniques, and step into deep accountability as part of an inspiring community. This mastermind gives you tools and support so you can achieve your goals and realize your dreams. The next group starts in February. And is now open for enrollment!!!

If this sounds like something you're interested in, I invite you to join me on Saturday, January 21 for a free manifestation workshop, Dream Up The New Year, so you can get a taste of how you can align with your soul's purpose and start creating that dreamy life you know is possible. This event is virtual, so you can join us from anywhere in the world. Get ready to raise your vibration to the next level! Sign up here. ⚡️

We’re wrapping up the first week of 2023! How are you feeling? Are you still processing the holidays? Several people have DM’d me to share they’ve been feeling tired and don’t want to “start the new year.” 🙃

If you could use some help releasing the stress, worry and busyness of the week, join Community Gathering tomorrow Saturday from the comfort of your home to breathe, release tension and be in community.

"Connecting with others reminded me I'm not alone. I am so grateful to have discovered this community and the beautiful space you have created. Community Gathering is a sanctuary."

- Alivia Stewart

You are NOT alone! Join us for Community Gathering tomorrow Saturday January 7 at 10am pst.

Busy tomorrow morning? No worries, you'll get the recording to breathe when you have time.

Sign up here xo

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