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Are you feeling the energy of this full moon in Cancer? After spending a couple of days with my family, I’m back in Los Angeles and I woke up this morning in my feelings: anxious, scared, excited, impatient, sad...and this emotional full moon amplifies it all. Uff! Deep breaths.  

Here is how we can work with this full moon:

1. Reflection and Release: The full moon is a time of fruition and release. Use this time to look back and reflect upon the past cycles. Acknowledge what energies you don’t want to carry with you into the new year. Write them down and burn them. You know I love having fire ceremonies. 

2. Protection with Boundaries: The full moon in Cancer illuminates our needs for protection and boundaries. Set boundaries that serve your well-being - emotionally, physically, and mentally. Be conscious of how you spend your energy and who you let into your energy.

3. Future Self Meditation: Step into the new year with confidence and clarity by listening to my Future Self Meditation. Deep down inside, you know what you want in your life, but sometimes, all the outside noise makes you forget. Use your future self as a compass to guide you on your next steps. You can find this meditation in my membership The Collective. Join our community here.

Happy Full Moon!

🎧 New Episode Alert: Breathe More Podcast - Calm the Holiday Chaos with this Grounding Meditation 

As we move through the hustle of the holiday season, the latest episode of the Breathe More Podcast offers you tips for finding peace and calm during such a busy time. I also guide you through a grounding meditation to help your body feel supported and at ease.

A few takeaways from this episode are:

✨ Establish Boundaries - Learn the power of setting boundaries with your time and energy, and how the art of saying no can preserve your well-being.

✨ Manage Expectations - Tips on maintaining balance by not overbooking your schedule and embracing the practice of gratitude amidst holiday chaos.

✨ Grounding Techniques - This grounding meditation is designed to connect you with your body and breath to calm your nervous system.

Listen to the episode on your favorite platform or my YouTube channel. 🎧

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Lately, I’ve been incorporating breathwork into my daily routine to navigate and process deep emotions, particularly grief. It has been an incredible catalyst in providing me with solace and allowing me to release emotional blockages.

If you’ve been experiencing overwhelm or find yourself carrying emotional weight, I invite you to join me for the next healing breathwork class. Together, we will create a safe space to release and let go, supported by a loving community.

If you can’t make it live, sign up to get the replay. I believe in making this practice accessible to all, so the class is donation-based.

Let’s come together and embark on a journey of release, healing, and growth. I’m looking forward to holding space for you. xo Ana

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